7 sites that have nothing to do with social media

Sandy Jackiewicz

I have nothing against social media.

But I’m getting sick of Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr.

Are you looking to branch out, too? Here are seven sights worth bookmarking:

  1. GOOD: If adulthood is making you feel cynical and exasperated, head over to GOOD for an idealism boost. It’s all about doing good and living well.
  2. Fast Company: There’s more to Fast Company than business stories. I still haven’t figured out what they mean by “Ethonomics,” but where else can you find articles about $95,000 lab rats?
  3. The Sartorialist: Vogue scares me. Seriously. But thanks to The Sartorialist, I’ve gotten over my fear for fashion and have actually developed some appreciation for it. Plus, I no longer flinch when I hear the word,  “accessorize.”
  4. Paul Kedrosky’s Infectious Greed: Since graduating in 2008, my political science textbooks have sat on a bookshelf, untouched.   Thanks to Paul Kedrosky’s blog, I’ve been able to re-charge my brain cells.
  5. Dezeen: One word: pretty.
  6. The Daily Beast: If you combined TMZ with The New York Times, you’d get something resembling The Daily Beast. Viral videos, breaking stories and gossipy articles–you’re covered.
  7. Smitten Kitchen: If you’re ready to tackle something more complicated than Ramen Noodles, it’s time to visit Smitten Kitchen. Thanks to Smitten Kitchen, I’ve made pretzels, potato pancakes and a two-layered cake.